Music download store affiliate program
Music download store affiliate program

music download store affiliate program

List includes but is not limited to the following keywords: Abyssus, Adaro, Anansi, Arctosa, Armadillo, Atheris, Atrox, Banshee, Basilisk, Basilisk Essential, BlackShark, BlackWidow Ultimate, BlackWidow, BlackWidow X, Blade, Carcharias, Chimaera, Chroma, Cynosa, DeathAdder, DeathAdder Elite, DeathAdder Esential, DeathStalker Essential, DeathStalker Ultimate, DeathStalker, Destructor, Electra V2, Electra, Ferox, Firefly, Gigantus, Goliathus, Hammerhead Pro, Hammerhead, Huntsman, Huntsman Elite, Huntsman Tournament Edition, Hydra, Ifrit, Imperator, Invicta, Ironclad, Kabuto, Kiyo, Kraken Pro, Kraken X,Kraken, Lachesis, Lancehead, Leviathan, Lycosa, Mamba HyperFlux, Mamba, ManO’ War, Manticor, Maurader, Megalodon, Megasoma, Moray, Mouse Bungee, Naga Epic, Naga Hex, Naga Trinity, Naga, Nari, Nari Ultimate, Nommo, Nostromo, Onza, Orbweaver, Orca, Ornata, Orochi, Ouroboros, Panthera, Portal, Raiju, Raptor, Respawn, Ripsaw, Sabertooth, Scarab, Seiren X, Seiren Elite, Seiren, Sila, Spectre, Sphex, Taipan, Tartarus, Thresher, Tiamat, Tomahawk, Turret, Vespula, Viper, Wolverine. Affiliates may NOT outbid Razer for the placement of any keywords with the Razer trademark or any combinations/misspellings thereof, including broad matches, e.g.Affiliates may NOT bid on the terms, misspellings, or derivations of the following: "Razer", "RazerStore", "Razer Store", "Razer Online Store", “razerzone” and "For Gamers.

Music download store affiliate program